President’s Message
There are different stages in life which are usually denoted by a milestone event – your first day of school, getting your drivers license, graduating from high school, getting your first job, having your first child, etc. My wife and I have recently had the pleasure of experiencing our newest milestone – becoming grandparents! Our oldest son and his wife recently had a baby, and to say we are excited is an understatement. That being said, judging by the amount of mail we are getting from AARP, retirement must be just around the corner as well.
There are milestones in people’s financial lives as well. We opened our son’s savings account the first couple of weeks after he was born. When he was in high school, we got him a checking account and debit card. After college the Bank helped him finance a car purchase, and then a home after he and his wife moved back to the area. Now it’s his turn to open a savings account for his son. When we finally reach the age of retirement, my wife and I will roll over our 401(k)’s to an IRA at the Bank, keeping our money invested in CD’s and Money Markets.
So, no matter what milestone event you reach, Community Bank is there to help. From that first savings account to helping manage your retirement, we truly provide banking for every generation.
Ted Gerber
President & CEO of Community Bank

Ted Gerber, President / CEO